Question : Why did so many IGs leave India and come to Singapore?
Answer : Because they were HOME-SICK.
Question: Whaaat? But their HOME is India!
PJ : Yeah, and they were SICK of it!

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Independence Day for the CHIGS
IG4 closes down in flying colors

"The cost of freedom is always high, but we have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Just when you thought that you had independence from the sharp and
observant eyes of IG4, just when you thought that you had independence to do
anything and get away with it without the IG junta knowing, come
Independence Day and gone again is your Independence with the Grand
farewell issue of IG4 in this august month of August!!!! IG4 will close down officially after this grand farewell.

This is the year of Independence in the real sense of the word for the
CHIGs who are finally free from India, (not to sound too unpatriotic, I
would add that everything balances down as India also got freedom from all
these unpatriotic CHIGs who left their motherland!) The CHIGs have it now,
independence from strict teachers, independence from parents ( especially
for people like R. A. Rajagopalan who did a 'BLOCK-SENDER' when he received
a mail from his Dad asking him to spend less!!! But the fact that his Dad,
knowing his password, logged into his account and unblocked himself is
another story !!!)

The CHIGs seem to be quite an "independent" batch, considering the
amount of heavy shopping done by them in the first two weeks itself, inspite
of the heavy dose that they got from the OCP Harbu when they skipped
practice for Freshers' Nite once and painted Little India red!! There was
another incident in which Shruti Agarwal wanted who had just landed that
day, did not know a single thing about buses and the MRT, wanted to scoot
off at 9.p.m. to an Aunt's place as soon as she got a preview of the
Commando walk being done by her batchmates !! After a heavy dose by Mohit
Sindhwani and Manisha (the FC, remember?), she was finally forced not only
to stay back but also to change and do the Commando walk!

After all, freedom for one comes with the authority and veto power for another.

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